0330 165 6180


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Eating Disorders Day/Intensive Treatment

Relapse rates for individuals with anorexia nervosa following intensive hospital treatment, whether inpatient or outpatient, remain significantly high. To address this, Altair Healthcare provides an innovative model offering short to medium term periods of accommodation to people aged 18-25 transitioning from hospital or inpatient care, giving them the opportunity to live independently but in a supported environment.

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Eating Disorders Day Treatment

We provide specialised residential and day clinics for individuals with eating disorders, including those who have previously received inpatient hospital care but are not yet able to safely return home. These individuals require additional rehabilitation and therapeutic support within a secure and structured environment, ensuring they can continue their recovery journey.

Eating Disorders

Our therapeutic approach encompasses a range of evidence-based treatments, including the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills, psychotherapy, art therapy, and systemic family therapy. Occupational therapy plays a pivotal role in our care, focusing on equipping patients with essential life skills to foster independence and support their recovery journey.

We understand that some people seeking treatment for eating disorders have to travel for long distances to access treatment, despite their dangerously low body weight. This can be gruelling and counter-productive, hindering the success of the recovery process.

At Altair, we provide short to medium-term and accommodation and support for individuals attending our clinics, who meet the following criteria:

  • Physically stable
  • Aged 18 and over
  • Experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder
  • Willing and able to engage with therapy to address their eating disorder challenges
  • Willing and able to engage in social and vocational rehabilitation

Eating Disorders

Our innovative day treatment model is designed for patients who are medically stable, who can be treated in the community using eating-disorder-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-ED) and family based treatments.

The program offers a mix of:

  • group therapy
  • meal support - including meal planning and preparation, snacks
  • individual therapy
  • nutritional counselling
  • therapeutic activities

Admissions criteria:

  • Aged 18 and above
  • Medically stable
  • Diagnosis of an eating disorder. May have other mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder.

Who we treat

Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa

We treat adults aged 18 years and over, diagnosed with an eating disorder including anorexia nervosa.

Eating Disorders

Binge Eating Disorder

Characterised by recurrent episodes of consuming unusually large amounts of food in a short period, often accompanied by a feeling of loss of control over eating.

Eating Disorders

Bulimia Nervosa

Characterized by a cycle of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain.

Glanville House provides continued recovery support, short-term supported living, access to therapeutic interventions and nursing care - as well as helping young adults to learn about independent living and life skills.

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Eating Disorders

Altair Healthcare provides services for:

Provider NHS trusts

NHS England, Wales and Scotland

Mental health NHS trusts

Local authorities

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)

To make a referral, please email the referral to: admin@altairhealthcare.co.uk