0330 165 6180


Please note: We only accept direct job applications. We do not use agents, and we do not have any subsidiaries.


0330 165 6180


We provide care and support to adults aged 18 years and above, enabling them to receive the help that they need in the community.

We are regulated and inspected by the CQC, so you can rest assured of the quality of care you will receive.


The independent regulator of health and social care in England.

Our Services

Our supported housing offers a welcoming, safe and friendly environment for people living with mental health problems or learning disabilities, needing intensive support to live in the community.

Complex Care

Altair provides specialist treatment and support to adults (18 yrs+) living with complex mental health problems, including eating disorders.

Day/Intensive Clinic

Our short-term, intensive support helps people avoid hospital readmission and reduces the average length of stay in inpatient wards.

Reablement Support

We help our clients to develop confidence and skills to enable them to get back on their feet, integrate with the community, and achieve their goals in life.

Eating Disorders

We provide short-term, early intervention stays to people with eating disorders, aimed at avoiding escalation and helping people on their recovery journey.

Our Service User Group


Mental Health Crisis

Short-term housing and intensive support for people living with mental health problems.


Eating Disorders Support

Private and NHS funded treatment and support for adults with eating disorders.


Complex mental health

Recovery focused and evidence based care in an environment that makes people feel safe and well supported.

Looking for support?

Are you a commissioner or client looking for support? Our support is flexible and tailored to our clients' needs, to suit the stage they are at in their recovery process.

Get in touch!

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Looking for a job?

Or are you a health or social care professional looking for work or for new challenges? Altair is here to help you make that exciting step to start your new role.

Join us!

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Why Choose Altair?

Specialised Care

We are a nurse-led service run and managed by practising, experienced nurses, using our experience, skills and knowledge to contribute to enhancing lives and health outcomes.

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Fast, Responsive

We can arrange care packages and put together care teams within 48 hours, to meet even the most urgent requests.

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Caring, Safe

Our highly trained team of nurses, healthcare assistants and carers deliver personalised, recovery-focused care with compassion, kindness, and respect.

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Social Inclusion

We help people restore the skills and confidence needed to live successfully in the community, enabling them to achieve their goals of living independently.

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We work in collaboration with commissioners to support discharge plans, ensuring that those who need support receive it timeously and effectively.

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Cost Effective

We provide a 24/7 community-based care service, preventing hospital admissions and cutting down on the cost of care.

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Our Reviews

Health, nursing and care blogs

Arranging a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Arranging a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

What is a lasting power of attorney and how do I arrange one?

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Mental Health: Enablement and social inclusion

Mental Health: Enablement and social inclusion

Reducing social isolation for people living with mental health problems - enablement and reablement.

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The 6 Cs of Nursing and Care

The 6 Cs of Nursing and Care

The 6 Cs of nursing were introduced in December 2012 by NHS England and are at the heart of the Compassion in Practice strategy.

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Enquire About Our Services