Complex Needs Mental Health Support Services
Altair specialises in providing specialist mental health support to adults living with complex mental health problems, including behaviours that challenge, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, and emotional and behavioural difficulties.
We work in collaboration with community mental health teams to deliver excellent integrated, recovery focused and evidence based care in an environment that makes an individual feel safe and well supported.
What we offer:
The short-stay mental health supported housing service is suitable individuals with complex needs, and the support package can include 1:1 or 2:1 or 3:1 support if needed.
Short-term supported accommodation
We provide short-term housing for people living with mental health illness needing a brief period of intensive nursing care to help them recover, or those who may have left hospital, to support them to achieve recovery and independence. We will listen to you and work with you to plan your care in accordance with your wishes.

We work in partnerships with care-coordinators, commissioners, community mental health teams, hospital teams, Local Authorities, families and clients to deliver personalised packages of care tailored to each service user's needs.

We also support people who may have relapsed while living independently, helping them to get back on their recovery journey and continue living independently.
Our services are designed to help people restore the skills and confidence needed to live successfully in the community, while also preventing hospital admissions and supporting discharge plans by ensuring that those who need support receive it in the comfort of their own homes.

Autonomy and Choice
Altair will work with the client to create a support plan to meet their needs and manage their risks, and the client will have a dedicated support worker responsible for coordinating the client's care and support.

Our team will provide a wide range of support, including:
- Risk and needs assessment.
- Care planning and evaluation.
- Managements of risks, to ensure the individual's safety.
- Medication and medication management, and assessing effectiveness.
- Supporting the individual to engage in mental health treatment programmes
- Support to develop or regain life skills to enable independence e.g. cooking, shopping and performing other household tasks
- Engaging in activities that build motivation, confidence, and self-esteem
- Support to access education, training, volunteering or employment opportunities
- Support to access community activities to promote social inclusion.

Quality, responsive, nurse-led service - reachable 24 hours, 7 days a week
Our Model of Care
With Altair, one size does not fit all.
- We use the Recovery approach to deliver effective, responsive care. We understand that every individual has their own unique needs, and we take the time to get to know our client, and work with them to develop a plan of care based on their needs and goals.

- We will support individuals path to recovery and enable social inclusion by helping them develop and maintain relationships and build their self-esteem.
- We provide person-centred support to encourage independence, resilience, as well as supporting their clinical and personal recovery.

- Our care model is aimed at enhancing skills, empowerment, choice and confidence. We support people to live independently, learn and develop life skills and manage their recovery in a person-centred, holistic way.
- We support people to maintain their home and to maintain their tenancy, to so they can look after themselves and their home, as well as becoming more involved in their local community.